Thursday, May 31, 2007

Memory Lane...

This past Tuesday was a beautiful day, so after a long overdue doctors appointment and lunch w/ Mom, Ryan and I decided to head over to Glenn Magna Farms in Danvers. Many of you may not know this, but while Ryan and I were still in the dating phase of our relationship we used to go there all the time and take long walks and we would talk about what was new in life or just spent time getting to know each other. This was our first time back there since we came up from Florida to visit in June 2005 just after Sohia was born. We have missed it and all its beauty, but we did have fun talking about past memories and how far we have come in our lives and our relationship and what dreams we look to in the future...We thought we would share w/ all of you some of the beautiful photos we took while we there having our trip down memory lane...

Entry to the English Rose Garden w/ Tea House...

Lovely Lilacs...

Great Gazebo...Amazing view of back of main house...

One of Ten Trunks...all together they make one large tree w/ one large canopy...and many couples have been there when dating or have been married there...if you look closely you can see initials carved into the trunk...we did not do this as it is not good for the tree and they do not allow people to do it anymore...anyhow, we thought it was a cute idea...

Cool view of the canopy above us w/ the sun shining through...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Trip to the Playground

Umm Matt, where did the ball go?

"ofia" and her "perbal" ball

Eliott and Sophia enjoying the sea-saw...

...and Grammie too!!

Scientists fool nation and world!!!

Joy of unfound joy.

Now the entire world can share my thoughts . to all of you who thought it was finally over; think again. I've been biding time. Anyhoo, enough senseless banter. on to the thought.

Ever wonder what maks a microwave work? I spoke to an engineer (my dad) about it once and he said something about a "magnetron" and "energy rays" that excite the "molecules" in the food, thereby making them hot.

c'mon now. lets be reasonable. first off, everybody knows that the magnetron is the carnival ride that spins uber fast and makes you stick to the walls next to your homies that try to hit themselves with their own spit.

secondly, captain kirk says that energy waves are what makes his warp drive work. I don't know about you but I've never seen my stouffer's lasagna hit warp 9.

I'm not even going to get into molecules. besides I think it's clear how the stupid thing works. anyone have an easy bake oven? oh yeah. if that little bulb can make a freakin cake then the stupid big bulbs in our silly over the stove contraptions can make my ramen hot. I think that these scientists think that they can fool us into confusion and mystery if the make the microwave spin our food and make a whirring noise.

You'll never fool me scientists.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Cast and Crew

First, our amazingly motivated crew: Dusty and Roxie. These two never stop.....spooning.Second, my wife Winnie. Here she is with our key grip Roxie. Both are shown in their natural habitat: napping.

lastly, our co-author and founder of the blog: Me (Ryan), I'm on the left trying to boil water on our grill after a hurricane (unsuccessfully)

We will be bringing you posts of varying quality, length at varying intervals, so hold on to your seats grandma, the blogging world is about to a'splode.