On Wednesday July 12th I had an appointment w/ a doctor. After a wait that seemed endless when you have a full bladder. After a little more waiting both in the waiting room and then in an exam room the Dr came in and asked me some questions...
The Doctor asked if I would like to be pregnant or not. If Ryan and I had been trying to or wanted to have children. I responded that Ryan and I had not been trying, as a "matter of fact had an appointment scheduled for later that week w/ a fertility Dr, as we did hope we could have children someday...
"Well, it makes my day to tell you then that you are positively pregnant"
When I asked him what he meant by that he told me that my hormone levels in my urine were very elevated and he was guessing I was 8-10 weeks pregnant.
So, next came me telling Ryan in the car-us crying in the parking lot-driving over to where Cathy worked to tell her we were pregnant and to set up an ultrasound appointment-I finally was able to calm down. Well, until the following week...
We had our ultrasound on July 18 and I was so nervous the whole way there...little did I know there was another surprise ahead of us...

6.5 week old TWINS!!
We went to our intake appointment the following day w/ a new OB and found out that I had the best set up in my uterus for twins - each baby had their own amniotic sacs and placentas - one attached to the front of my uterus and one to the back. Both babies also had great heart rates.
Sadly the month ended w/ my being hospitalized on July 30th for dehydration. I had been getting sick a lot and found out that I needed to also up my fluid intake for carrying twins. Never a good thing when the doctor tells you after sticking a catheter into your kidney that the fluid was that color of molasses...